05 August 2011

Natural Solutions for Bladder Control

Because the incidence of minor bladder leakage and some sense of loss of control of urinary function is so prevalent in women after age 40, some physicians consider it a fairly normal part of the ageing process in women. In fact the incidence of a leaky bladder and weakness in controlling the stream of urination is fundamentally tied to a woman's age and reproductive history and health.
Promoting Health to Improve Kidney and Bladder Function
The process of childbirth, weight gain and loss, sedentary lifestyle and other factors all play a role in contributing to the problem of occasional incontinence.
Physicians seeking non-invasive methods of helping women regain good bladder control and a sense of confidence and actually taking proactive steps to improve their bladder control have many lines of defense to offer. Although the methods of healing offered by most naturopaths may not be an overnight solution there are products to help women overcome their sense of embarrassment at minor leakage problems that can be used while the problem is approached from several avenues.
All of these may take time and effort but they do not require invasive surgery neither do they require a woman to weigh pros and cons of prescription drug therapy or the unpredictable outcome of surgical interventions.
Since the aging process and hormonal levels are key to diagnosing the root of a urinary incontinence problem, the first place a naturopathic physician will start is to look at the hormonal levels of the woman who is seeking help.
Getting to the Root of the Bladder Problem
The tissue making up the urethra is prone to thinning and stretching based upon hormonal health and the functioning of this tissue is absolutely related to its health. Correction of a problem stemming from hormonal and nutritional deficiencies may take some time but are certainly worth a try. Correction of the problem at the root makes for a long term solution. Dietary additions and supplements can turn this trend around for many women. Basically eating a diet rich in phytoestrogens and isoflavones and adding soy containing foods to the diet may be all that is necessary.
Long Term Solutions to Minor Incontinence Take Time
Chronic bladder inflammation often contributes to deeper bladder problems and can be linked often to sensitivities and allergies that may have been undetected. Once these are pinpointed, steps to eliminate dietary problems can be taken. This may include elimination of dairy, soy, egg, wheat (gluten) and or other potential allergens. In fact permanent elimination is not always necessary. But tissues need time to heal.
Don't Underestimate Nutrition's Role in Bladder Problems
Other nutrients and foods that are often found culprit include sugar, caffeine, fatty and fried foods, junk foods and refined foods in general. Basically the system can often do without many of these non-nutrients. Whole body healing can occur and urinary bladder health can return to normal.

The simple act of eliminating caffeine and drinking more water can restore bladder function and health. Caffeine often has the effect of causing undue distress to the bladder, making it more active than normal and irritating the tissues and lining of the bladder. The addition of cranberry juice to the diet, especially in the case of a woman who suffers from repeated urinary tract infections can make a huge difference in bladder health.

It is also often discovered that not having the appropriate intestinal and vaginal bacteria present can exacerbate the problem of incontinence and contributes heavily to yeast infections and pelvic discomfort.

The addition of vitamins B, C, and D and flaxseed oil and bromelain have been suggested by some naturopaths to aid bladder health. Yogurt and /or probiotics have also been seen to make a huge difference.
Herbal Medicines Used to Heal the Bladder
Herbal medicines are also used to aid healing and fight inflammation of the urinary tract include those with diuretic action, also those with astringent, antiseptic and soothing actions. Some of the more frequently mentioned herbal supplements include: horsetail, buchu, usnea, cornsilk, marshmallow root and cleavers.

Interestingly enough when a naturopath studies health problems she or he can often link seemingly unrelated health issues to the same factor and what is good for the bladder is often good for the stomach, the nerves and other systems of the body.
Therapeutic Physical Exercise to Improve Bladder Function
Naturopathic doctors will also often suggest proactive physical exercises and other health inducing activities. Exercises to strengthen the sphincter action of the bladder's openings and the pelvic floor can be very important to helping a woman regain strength and bladder health. Kegels exercises are well known to increase a woman's ability to control her bladder function as well as being good for the strengthening of genital muscles used for sexual activity.

Basically it's all connected, according to the doctor looking for more natural means to help your healing and keep you healthy.


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